Over 200 German Cops Expelled for Throwing Wild Sex Party


Over 200 police officers in Germany have been expelled for bad behavior after they were caught throwing a wild party that included a couple having sex in public, men urinating in public and one officer performing a striptease, using a gun as a prop, the U.K. newspaper The Telegraph reports.

The cops accused of the excessive partying were from Berlin and scheduled to help security at the G20 summit in Hamburg next week. That's where world leaders such as the U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May, Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S. President Donald Trump will meet to discuss the economy.

The officers reportedly partied excessively at the barracks where they were staying, The Associated Press reports. Hamburg police called the incident "inappropriate and unacceptable behavior." A spokesperson for the Berlin police added the report is "simply embarrassing." However, a spokesman for the Berlin police seemed to defend the cops in a statement to The Telegraph, saying they were "only human."

One of the officers involved in the wild party reportedly told the newspaper he didn't see the big deal because it was just "a normal night for Berlin." According to The Telegraph, officers watched as two of their coworkers reportedly had sex on top of a security fence. A female cop reportedly performed an exotic dance in her bathrobe with her gun and a number of male officers standing in a row urinated together in public.

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